Climent Nadeu

Professor, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), TALP Research Center, TSC Dept.

Adreça/Mail: D5-209, Campus Nord UPC, J. Girona 1-3, 08034 Barcelona

Tel.: +34 93 401 6438


Docència actual - Current teaching

  • Signal Processing (SIGPRO). Màster MET
  • Digital speech and audio processing (DSAP). Màster MET (optional course)
  • Advanced engineering project (PAE). This year: "Data acquisition and processing from the Hospital Clinic's UCIs". Grau/Bachelor ETST
  • Description and retrieval of audiovisual documents (DRCAV). Grau/Bachelor ETST (optional course)
  • Data ethics (TAED1). Grau/Bachelor CED

Recerca - Research

  • Current research interests: speech technologies, audio processing and classification, health and ecology applications

Short professional biography

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