Deverbal Nominalizations: denotation and argument structure

Aina Peris Morant


18 Abril 2012

11:00h - Arribada dels assistents i estona de germanor

11:15h - Presentació

Some Spanish deverbal nominalizations can denote both the state or the result of the action expressed by the corresponding base verb as well as the same action or event expressed by the base verb. On the other hand, these nominalizations are nouns with argument taking capacity, that is, they select arguments.

In this talk, I will present the results of my doctoral thesis, which analyzes event-result deverbal nominalizations from Linguistics and NLP approaches. First I will give background information on deverbal nominalizations.

Secondly, I will focus on the argument structure of deverbal nominalizations. I will present the corpus-based linguistic study of the syntactic-semantic realization of arguments. From the results obtained in this study, we created the RHN package of heuristic rules to automatically annotate the argument structure of deverbal nominalizations in the Ancora-Es corpus.

Thirdly, I will deal with the denotation of deverbal nominalizations. First, we present our empirical corpus-based study of the distinction between event and result nominalizations, from which we obtained a series of linguistic criteria for establishing that distinction. We also established a new denotative class, underspecified, for those cases in which the sentence context is not enough for disambiguation. Then, we describe the ADN-Classifier, an automatic system for the classification of deverbal nominalizations according to their denotation.

Next, I will briefly describe the two resources generated in this thesis: the enrichment of the Ancora-Es corpus by annotating the denotation and argument structure of deverbal nominalizations, and the Ancora-Nom lexicon.

Finally, I will present the conclusions of the work.

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